More Information

The Company carries Public Liability Insurance and Employers Liability Insurance up to £10,000,000 for any one claim. The insurance covers all aspects of it’s undertakings. However, the insurance does not take the place of normal household insurance cover for accidental breakage or damage to household items. Please do not make private arrangements with our Care Workers because this will not be covered under our insurance policy.

If you need someone to represent or advocate for you for any reason, we will try to help by either finding you a service provided by the Local Authority or a service provided by volunteers.

One of the reasons that you may need an advocate is that you do not have a member of your family or a friend who can act on your behalf, e.g when you need dealing with officials, or people who provide your utilities, carry out repairs or offer a service of some type.

The quality assurance programme needs Service Users’ comments on the service we provide to enable us to improve where necessary. We would appreciate your help in completing questionnaires and quality interviews that we will carry out annually to obtain feedback. The outcomes of our programme will be published annually and a copy supplied to the Care Quality Commission and made available to Service Users, their representative(s) and other stakeholders on request.

We welcome comments from Service users and their representatives and other stakeholders, and we would like to hear from you whether it’s a complaint, compliment or suggestion.

We are committed to providing a high standard of service to Service Users. It is important to us to let us know when you are not satisfied with the service you experience. This gives us the opportunity to improve our service.

You can contact us by phone, letter or email at :-

Hope Homecare Services Limited
1st Floor Studio House
Delamare Road
Cheshunt, Waltham Cross
Hertfordshire EN8 9SH

Telephone Number : 01992 760520

Email : [email protected]0300 061 0614

Email : [email protected]

Website :

The LGO will not usually investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters. Our service is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers, but is happy to receive information about our services at any time.