Services are provided to all groups of people, without prejudice of their culture, race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or disease. We give Service Users the right to choose the sex of the person they would like to be sent to perform personal care. This is because of the personal nature of the service. If through an exceptional circumstance – we are unable to provide a care worker of the Service User’s preference, we will discuss this with the Service User or their representative.
We provide a range of services which are detailed below. Before any package can commence, we will come and visit you at your home and conduct a full assessment which consists of a person-centred support plan, and risk assessment and may also include a Mental capacity assessment. This is carried out to ensure the package is tailored to your required and specific
needs. Assessments will be carried out with the service user and/or family member, lasting power of attorney for healthcare and consent to medical treatment or a representative of their choice